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"Woo Yeah Woo Ah!" / Atsuko Enomoto


Single: 1/2/5/8

Double: 3/5/7
This is the second song in this simfle pack to use the TV cut, since it was less than two minutes.  I also recorded the video, with credit given to Anime Network for providing it.

In the anime, "Woo Yeah Woo Ah!" is the first solo song performed by Yuki Aoyama (voiced by Steel Angel Kurumi's voice actress, Atsuko Enomoto).  It was later succeeded with "Difference".

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"Objection" / Maria Yamamoto


Single: 1/3/5/7/7

Double: 3/5/7/7
This is my very first cut for this Chance Pop Session pack.  The Expert/Challenge charts have mines, so dodge them as best as possible.

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"Futari Dake no Moon" / Mayumi Iizuka feat. Takehito Koyasu


Single: 1/1/3/7

Double: 2/3/7
This is a cut I made myself.  This is the song that plays shortly after Kaito's sacrifice to save a kid from getting run over by a car.  Kaito ended up getting run over, and the kid was unable to save his balloons.